Environmental Technologies for Contaminated Solids, Soils and Sediments


The Environmental Technologies for Contaminated Solids, Soils and Sediments (ETeCoS3) EMJD programme provides education and research at PhD level, training its doctoral candidates to think globally and co-work in multidisciplinary research teams. This will make ETeCoS3 PhD alumni attractive scientists/engineers for European universities, institutes and industry.

The ETeCoS3 EMJD is centered around three key topics in environmental pollution: i) heavy metals, ii) recalcitrant organic pollutants and iii) contaminated solids. The EMJD focuses on fundamental and applied aspects to treat and remove these pollutants as well as on the development of recovery and reuse technologies with market potential. There will be a close connection to practical problems, as e.g. hot spots in the Balkan, brown fields in Czech Republic and sediments and soils polluted by mining activities in Minas Gerais (Brazil).

ETeCoS3 is a multidisciplinary and inter-sectorial consortium coordinated by the University of Cassino, composed of 3 partner organisations (University Cassino – Italy, University Paris-Est – France, UNESCO-IHE – The Netherlands), 12 academic associated members, 3 professional associations and 1 SME associated member, from 10 different countries, including 3 third-countries. ETeCoS3 encompasses 3 national Doctoral Schools (SENSE – the Netherlands, RECETO – Denmark and Higrade – Germany). All members of the ETeCoS3 partnership are recognized internationally, with long-standing track records in research and higher education.

The education/training of the ETeCoS3 PhD students (45 ECTS) will be detailed in an Individual Training and Supervision Plan, comprising mandatory and elective PhD courses organised by partner organisations and associated members, an annual PhD meeting and summer school, courses on research, management and transferable skills as well as language training.

The research plan will be laid down in a PhD proposal, detailing research work (135 ECTS), including secondments (60 ECTS). ETeCoS3 doctoral candidates will perform research in at least 3 countries. Supervision will be done in co-tutelle arrangements, providing doctoral candidates with a supervisory team of at least 3 co-supervisors from the visited organisations.

The PhD dissertation and defence will be in English and PhD students are required to publish in peer reviewed journals. Successful completion of the PhD programme will be awarded a fully recognized and accredited joint Doctoral Degree in Environmental Technology.